Ethics Admin Training Workshops
Ethics admin training workshops presented by Nan DeMars are unforgettable ethics immersion experiences, deliberately designed and tailored to engage, to challenge, and deeply inspire participants.
Bringing Ethics Training To Real Life
Through interactive exercises, reality-based examples and lots and lots of discussion, Nan leads participants far beyond a surface examination of ethics and into the heart of real-life ethical dynamics. Participants find ethics seminars thought provoking, nourishing, and surprisingly fun! And, almost without exception, ethics seminars increase camaraderie and strengthen morale. After all, who doesn’t want to work for a company that is committed to personal as well as systemic integrity?

Nan DeMars, renowned Workplace Ethicist, believes, “All admins in today’s workplace find themselves from time to time in the ethical crossfire of business activities. Simply because their positions place them where the action is – they can even be deemed the First Responders to Ethical Dilemmas!”
And, they often struggle with the question: Can you hold onto your job and your integrity at the same time? Nan believes you can!
This timely, up-to-date Ethics Workshop for Administrative Professionals is an energizing and introspective wake-up call regarding the reality-based ethical dilemmas admins often face (some ripped from the day’s headlines). Nan sheds light on how to best handle ethical workplace dilemmas while upholding one’s personal and professional standards.
In addition to having a few “aha” moments along the way, participants will –
- Experience a new awareness of their accountability and culpability in the workplace today.
- Learn how to minimize the factors that can lead to unethical behavior in their work environment.
- Internalize the use of their personal Ethical Priority Compass®
- Identify key components to maintaining The Ethical Workplace.
- Discover how to navigate through their own ethical dilemmas while adapting a few keys to help others do the same.
- Recognize today’s new loyalty commitment to Doing The Right Thing!
- Spotlight timely ethical topics, including: workplace bullying, workplace romance, harassment issues, trust and loyalty dilemmas as well as the confidentiality and security issues all employees face today.
Today’s New Workplace Accountability
- Mythbusting
- Personal accountability (examples)
Identifying Ethical and Moral Dilemmas
- Defining the differences between morals versus ethical dilemmas
- Discussing your stages of moral development
Judgment Issues
- Discussion of judgment calls about “doing the right thing” and the “It depends” theory.
- How to stay true to Your Ethical Priority Compass®
Loyalty Redefined
- In today’s workplace Employer Loyalty is redined:
Loyalty versus blind allegiance - Company protection – yes, it IS your responsibility
- Today’s new commitment
Security Issues
- The Golden Rule of Confidentiality
- Information protection/safeguarding security
- Protecting your supervisor(s), your company and yourself!
Harassment Issues
- Defining all aspects of harassment – where we are today
- Deep-dive guidelines for both employers AND employees
- Workplace romance/gossip – all the power issues
Maintaining The Ethical Workplace
- The Three “C’s”
- Communication tools (“Good Grief – how can I say that?”)
- Trust and integrity issues (always the Bottom Line)